Technology » Nearpod Basics

Nearpod Basics

  • Participants will evaluate the necessary components that make direct instruction a high impact instructional strategy
  • Participants will create a Nearpod account using Office 365 SSO.
  • Participants will discuss and explore ways Nearpod can elevate student learning through:
    • Checks for Understanding
    • Formative Assessment (Real Time)
    • Guided Practice
  • Participants will create a new lesson and upload a picture file or Power Point
  • Participants will view advanced features to turn on in settings under their profile.
  • Participants will search the library and add a FREE lesson that they could use in the upcoming 9 weeks. 
  • Participants will evaluate the data and reports collected by Nearpod. 
Success Criteria:

I will know I am successful if I can: 

  • I will know I am successful if I can accurately describe the Instructional Strategies presented. 
  • Identify the difference in Student and Teacher Paced lessons. 
  • Explain the multiple assessment options available in Nearpod. 
  • Explain how Nearpod brings student equity to my classroom. 
  • Evaluate the data and reports collected by Nearpod
Bell Work - Join a Student Paced Lesson
Go to Nearpod online and put in this code at the top of the screen: RIFBU
Live Lessons = Teacher Paced - teacher controls the screen
Student Paced - students move through the lesson on their own