Marianne Chumley » Word Master Practice

Word Master Practice

WORDS TO study, discuss, and use in conversation...chisel, bob, glossy, habit, bombard, sly, pitch, stumble, raspy, squawk, irk, shrill, glacier, chafe, stony, buoy, list, turbulent, custom, pester, shifty, churn, slash, drab, and gouge.
Blooket:  K-3rd grade
WORDS TO STUDY, DISCUSS, AND USE IN CONVERSATION...bonanza, prod, chronic, splurge, coax, meager, dandy, impoverish, verbal, incline, hoard, surly, gradient, decline, paltry, churl, harp, lush, drone, corrup, acute, pittance, carp, lavish, and fortune.
Blooket:  4-5th grade